Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy 2024 MP (Supervisor) Salary, Notification

Here is the big announcement that has been made by the government related to the Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy 2024 MP. The online Bharti has been started for all the women of Madhya Pradesh who have the education qualification of Just 12th Class pass. This Vacancy is also known as MP Mahila Supervisor Vacancy 2024 for 12th Class Pass Women. Some so many women are well-educated and want to get the government job in their state, then this recruitment notification for the Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy is going to be very useful to all of you. 

The state government to fill the vacant post of the Mahila Paryavekshak in the state of Maharashtra, announced to recruit women against these vacant posts. Now the state government of Madhya Pradesh going to conduct the Bharti and for that, they also released the Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy 2024 official notification through their official website. So now all the women candidates who are waiting for this recruitment can fill out the online application form. 

If you all are women and unemployed, then you can also avail the benefit of this opportunity and be part of the Mahila Supervisor Vacancy 2024. Because by getting this job you can also get a good amount of money in the shape of a salary per month. So all interested women need to read my whole blog to know more about it. 

Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy 2024 MP

We all know in the state of Madhya Pradesh, there are so many Anganwadi centres already running everywhere. For that, the Madhya Pradesh employment selection board released the official notification for the recruitment of the Aanganwadi Supervisor Bharti 2024 for the different Aanganwadi Centers. All women are eligible to take part in this Bharti who having the minimum qualification of 12th class and maximum graduation.

Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy 2024 MP

The selection of the candidates will be based on their application form procedure and also on their criteria. You need to download the official notification and then collect the complete details about the recruitment. Don’t wait for the last period. As soon as soon you apply for it, you will go for the next step of the Bharti. 

Madhya Pradesh Supervisor Vacancy 2024

Name of the Post MP Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy
Year 2024 
Department Madhya Pradesh Employment Selection Board 
State Belongs Madhya Pradesh 
Candidates eligible Women of the state 
Qualification 12th Class Pass 
Age limit 18 Years To 60 Years
How to apply Online

महिला पर्यवेक्षक भर्ती 2024

हाल ही में मध्य प्रदेश राज्य में महिलाओ को रोजगार देने के लिए मध्य प्रदेश की राज्य सरकार ने राज्य की सभी महिलाये जोकि 12वी कक्षा पास है के लिए महिला पर्यवेक्षक भर्ती भी अधिकारिक नोटिफिकेशन को जारी कर दिया है. जो भी महिलाए अपने राज्य में ही सरकार नौकरी की तलाश में है वो इस भर्ती में भाग ले सकती है. यह भर्ती आँगनबाड़ी केन्द्रों के लिए की जा आरही है. जिन भी महिलाओं को चयन इस भर्ती के साथ किया जाता है उन्हें इन केन्द्रों में भाग लेना होगा. 

इस भर्ती में भाग लेने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के बाद लिखित परीक्षा में भाग लेना होगा. और फिर आपको सक्श्ताकर के लिए बुलाया जाएगा. और फिर केवल पत्र महिलाओं का ही सिलेक्शन इस भर्ती में किया जाएगा. 

Mahila Paryavekshak Bharti Eligibility Criteria

For this Bharti, the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board also set some of the rules in the shape of eligibility Criteria. So you need to meet all the eligibility criteria of the Recruitment. Read the same given below. 

  • Applying candidates must be women and permanent citizens of Madhya Pradesh. 
  • When applying for this recruitment, the women must be 18 to 60 years old. Maybe there is age relaxation given to the reserved category candidates. 
  • All the candidates must pass their minimum education qualification of 12th class from any recognized board and university. 

Documents List

Here to submit the proof of your eligibility related to this recruitment, some of the important documents which you all need to submit with the application form. Here is the list of the documents given below. 

Educational Documents 10th Class Pass, 12th Class Pass, Graduation Pass Degree or any Diploma if any. 
Contact details Valid Mobile Number with proper Gmail ID
Category Certificate and Address You need to submit the category certificate of SC, ST and OBC or any reserved category you belong to, on the other need to submit the address proof like a Ration card, Bonafide Certificate etc. 
Photo ID Aadhar Card, Voter ID Card and recently Clicked Colored Photograph of the candidates. 

Selection Process of Mahila Paryavekshak (Female Supervisor)

Now here are the details about the selection of the women candidates against the post of Women Aanganwadi Supervisor vacancy Bharti 2024. 

  • First of all, the candidates need to submit their online application form through the online portal of the government. 
  • Then after collecting the documents, the department conducts the written exam by giving your exam center. 
  • You need to take part in the written exam and then a merit list has been made by the department. 
  • After that selected merit list candidates called for the interview and verification of the documents. 

If you all, clear and follow all the procedures of this Bharti, then you can be selected for the post of the Mahila Paryavekshak. All the women will get the same platform. There should be transparency followed by the department. Only the eligible candidates will get the Job. 

Mahila Paryavekshak Application Fee

At the time of submitting the application form by the women candidates for the post of Madhya Pradesh Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy Bharti 2024, you need to pay the application fee. Application fees for general candidates and the reserved category women are different. Check the same details. 

Category Application Fee
General Candidates Rs.500/-
For Reserved Category Rs.250/-

How To Apply For Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy

Now after reading all the details any of the women who want to participate in this Bharti, will need to follow some of the steps given below. 

  • First of all, eligible women need to visit the official online platform of the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board. 
  • You can also choose the language of the portal as per your choice i.e. English and Hindi. 
  • Now here need to visit the section of the latest notification and recruitment.
  • Kindly search for the Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy and then find the link the apply online. 
  • When you get the link, then the Mahila Paryavekshak Vacancy Application Form opens in front of you.
  • As per the guidelines of the department/ Board, you need to fill in all the related information about yourself and also upload the documents.
  • Here you also have to pay the Application Fee through the online mode.
  • Before submitting all the details with the Application Form and Documents, Check it.
  • Now submit it.
  • Download the application form for your further use.  


How to Download महिला पर्यवेक्षक भर्ती Official Notification?

You can visit the official website and then download the notification. 

What is the age limit to participate in Mahila Supervisor Bharti 2024?

The age of the candidates must be 18 years to 60 years. 

What is the mode of applying to participate in the Bharti?

You can apply through the online mode after visiting the platform.

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