[True Or False] Sainik Samman Scheme 2024 Details – Apply Online

To provide social and financial security to the families of the freedom fighters, there are already so many schemes that have been started by the Central Government of India. With the help of these kinds of schemes, financial benefits can be given to the eligible beneficiaries who belong to the families of the Freedom Fighters.

We all know that there is already one of the oldest schemes the name of Swatantrata Sainik Samman Scheme which was launched in 1972 in India. Under this Scheme, benefits will be given to all the freedom fighters pensioners and their fighters. 

Now again the same scheme is also replaced with the old scheme with the name of Agneepath or Agniveer Scheme with the Sainik Samman Scheme. Today I am going to provide you with complete information about the Yojana Apply online, the Application Form, Eligibility Criteria and many other features of the scheme. Which you must have to know about it. Kindly read the whole of the article given below. 

Sainik Samman Scheme

Recently as per the announcement given by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh the Agneepath Scheme is now going to be replaced with the old scheme with the name of Sainik Samman Scheme. Under this scheme, now the central government going to provide the financial benefits in the shape of pensions that will be given to the freedom fighters and their families members.

Sainik Samman Yojana is Fake news

Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana 2024

Name of scheme Sainik Samman Scheme
Motive to Launch To provide financial benefits to the eligible beneficiaries 
Official Portal Mha.gov.in 
Starting benefits To get Rs. 200/- per month and to their families Rs.100 to Rs.200 monthly pension benefit 
Eligibility To all the freedom fighters who want to get financial help and are eligible until 1980 
How to apply Online 
Scheme Launched By Defence Minister of India 

Sainik Samman Pension Yojana Duration 

  • The freedom fighters will receive lifetime pensions from the government. 
  • On the other hand, if the daughter of the freedom fighters wants to receive a pension, they will get it until their marriage. 
  • Not all are eligible for the benefits.
  • Then here the pension will be given after considering the application form. 

Sainik Samman Scheme Benefits 

Now here through the content of the table, I am going to provide you some of the benefits of the scheme. 

Type of Benefits Previous Terms New Terms 
Permanent Jobs 25 per cent permanent and Now 60 per cent are permanent with the job 
For Technical Jobs Now all kinds of technical Jobs are permanent 
Period of Duty 4 Years 7 years 
Family Pension Benefits Given after the death of the person 
Training of Person 24 weeks Now 42 weeks 
Salary details —-Now increased 
Total Posts —-Always increased 
Leave Sanctioned 30 days 45 days 
Title of Agniveer Known as Agniveer but No now called 
Scheme Name Agneepath Scheme Sainik Samman Scheme 
Fun of retirement —-Now increased to 41 Lakhs  
Guarantee of Job—-No guarantee for 7 years of job 
Relaxation for Job—-15 per cent 
After death benefits —-The families will get Rs.75 lakhs

Agneepath (Agniveer) Scheme Changes Into Sainik Samman Yojana 

So after the changing of the Agniveer Scheme or Agnipath Scheme to the Sainik Samman Scheme, there are so many changes that have been done in the same. The information about the same is given below. 

  • Now all the Agniveer candidates will get permanent status and jobs.
  • Bow the period of the training of the jobs is enhanced for 42 weeks and job period also increased for 7 years. 
  • There is also the guarantee of a job.
  • The salary and number of posts also be increased. 
  • The leave of the soldier also increased from 30 days to 45 days. 
  • The retirement fund also be enhanced by the government.
  • After retirement, they will also get 15 per cent of relaxation in job vacancies. 

Sainik Samman Yojana Eligibility Criteria 

Kindly check the terms and conditions in the shape of the eligibility Criteria of the scheme. 

  • Candidates must be imprisoned before the independence. 
  • All the women who belong to the SC and ST category of freedom fighters have 3 months of imprisonment. 
  • All the families of the Martyrs are eligible to get a pension under the scheme. 

Documents List 

Category of Applicants Documents Required 
Detention or Imprisonment Jail Authority certificate District Magistrate certificate. Non-availability of certificate of Detention.  Co-prisoners certificate. 
Remained Underground Documents for evidence from the government order proclaiming the applicant as an offender or announcing any kind of award on his head.  Freedom fighter certificate. 
External or Internment Any evidence documents for freedom fighters who go under Imprisonment for 5 years
Loss of Job or Property Documents related to the loss or sale of property

How to apply for Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana 2024 Procedure 

Now follow the steps given below. 

  • First of all, the candidates need to visit the official website of the Home Affairs Ministry i.e. mha.gov.in.
  • Now here on the official website you need to request the Application form. 
  • After all, you need to enter all the information that is required to fill out the application form.
  • Have to attach the documents with the application form. 
  • Submit all the documents with the application form to the official website. 

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