Bele Parihara Payment Status 2024 : Village Wise Beneficiary Report

If you also belong to the state of Karnataka, then here I am going to provide you with the complete details about your search i.e. Bele Parihara Payment Status Online 2024. So hello farmers of the state, the compensation of the Bara Parihara amount now has been deposited in the bank account of every beneficiary. Recently the government concerned with this scheme announced to deposit insurance amount if any of the crop damages has been suffered by the farmers for the year 2024-25.

All the people who are selected as beneficiaries of this scheme will check their Karnataka Parihara Beneficiary Payment Report after visiting the official portal i.e. I know so many people are searching for it, but they did not get the proper details about it. So don’t worry about it. Through this article, you can check your Parihara Payment Status Taluka Wise, Village Wise and also the Crop-wise Loss List available here. Check the full blog information here. 

Bele Parihara Payment Status 2024 

As we all know in the state of Karnataka, the Parihara is the online land record software of the state. from where you can get the complete records of your property like Map, Mutation and other details. Now recently the state government of Karnataka going to provide compensation to the farmers for the crops of their land.

After hearing the same information, so many farmers already submitted the online application form to get compensation from the government. After receiving the details, the government surveyed the crops and the land of the farmers.

Now if the government thinks that if there is no drought or any damage to the land that has been suffered by the farmers, then the compensation must be in stand wise, they must have to wait for it. So the payment of the farmers stands off between the state government of Karnataka and the central government of India.

Name of Portal Bhoomi Online Parihara 
Launched For To provide relief for the drought 
Benefit given Supply for Drinking water, compensation etc 
Beneficiaries Farmers of the state 
Information Given Bele Parihara Payment Status
How to Check Online 
State Belongs Karnataka 

Benefits of the Bele Parihara Portal

So there are so many features of this newly launched portal available. Which of some are discussed below. 

  • With the help of this portal, the government will get the details about the land with any survey etc. With the help of this, they will get the details like the land concerned with which owners. 
  • It will also tell us the exact damaged data of the land and also make sure about the payment given to the beneficiaries i.e. the true owner of the land. 
  • With the help of this portal, the beneficiaries can check their Parihara Beneficiary Payment Report using their Aadhar Card Number and Parihara ID Number through the portal. 
  • If any of the beneficiaries want to avail the benefit, then they must complete their enrolment with the Aadhar Number. 

Bara Parihara Payment Status 

Under this Bara Parihara Payment, the central government and state government provide the relief amount to the farmers who facing the damages by the weather like rain, drought etc. The amount of this can be given to the farmers as per the village and Taluka Wise. You can also check the same. The Supreme Court of India also releases a huge amount to provide relief to the farmers. The amount can be distributed to the states after the order is issued by the Supreme Court of India. 

So this amount can be distributed to the account of the farmers directly. After getting this amount you all can check your bara Parihara Payment Status Online after visiting the official website through the State, District Wise and Taluka Wise. More information is also given below. 

About Parihara Payment Portal

After the declaration of the drought payment in the state, a new portal with the name of Parihara was launched by the state government of Karnataka. This portal has been managed by the revenue department of the state. under which the state government of Karnataka will enable to make the direct benefit transfer through the Aadhar Number directly into the account of the beneficiaries. 

How to Check Bara Parihara Payment Status Online 

  • First of all, you need to open the official portal of the Bele Parihara Payment Status of Karnataka.
  • Then on the home page of this portal, you need to click on the link of Farmer Corner Section. Have to put the details about the Mobile Number and season of the crops and then enter the Captcha Code. 
  • The complete details about your details can be available in front of you. 
  • Here you can see whether the payment has been transferred to your bank account. 

Bele Parihara Payment Status Check Online @ 

Now people who will not find the correct details to check their payment against the Bele Parihara will have to follow the instructions given below. 

  • Open the official online platform of the concerned department of the state of Karnataka i.e. 
  • Now on this portal, you may go with the link of the Parihara Payment Link.
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  • When you click on the same link, the new portal opens in front of you.
  • Here you have to put the link like Compensation Entry Number or Parihara ID you have.
  • Then in the next steps have to enter the details of your Aadhar Card Number.
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  • Submit the details and in this way, you can check Payment Status Online. 

Bele Parihara Payment Status Village Wise

  • So if you want to check the Bele Parihara Payment Status Village Wise Report, then you need to follow the following instructions.
  • Need to open the
Bele Parihara Payment Status Village Wise
  • Now here on the home page, you will get the section of Parihara Payment Reports.
  • You need to go with the Village Wise List and then get the details of the same.
  • In this form, Fill in details like Year, Season of Crop, Calamity, District, Taluka Hobli and village Name.
  • Then Click on the get report button and All the Payments Village wise open on your screen.
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What is the Requirement to Check Bele Parihara Payment Status?

You need your Aadhar Number and Parihara ID Number.

Who can check the Parihara Payment Status?

Every beneficiary who is registered on the portal and facing the damages of the crop of their land.

What are the major benefits of Parihara Portal?

The amount can be directly given to the affected beneficiaries of the land. 

What is the use of the Parihara Karnataka Portal?

This portal can be used to identify the real owner of the land and also for the DBT Payment to the people. 

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