APAAR ID Registration : हर छात्र की बनेगी अपार आईडी – जाने फायदे, डाक्यूमेंट्स, आवेदन प्रक्रिया

Hello everyone. Today in this post we are going to share information about One Nation on student ID – APAAR ID registration process with you. If you are a parent and want to create a new APAAR ID for your kid, all the information related to that will be provided in this blog post. This is a new initiative started by the government of India under the Ministry of Education.

In this initiative, the government will create one unique student ID for 1 student. This one-unit ID will be active till the student is in school. In case a student changes their school then the APAAR ID will be the same and it will be transferred from one school to another.

APAAR ID Registration

So quickly we will understand what is one Nation 1 student id – also known as APAAR ID. So guys this is a 12-digit ID for every student. With this ID information like student personal information, comprehensive records of their Academics, achievements including their degree, scholarships as well as awards they get, and other credits connected with that.

This APAAR ID is in schools, higher education institutes, and skill institutes. So if you are a parent and want to create an APAAR ID Registration 2025, then you are in the right place.

APAAR ID Registration
Post TitleAPAAR ID Registration
Total number of IDs34 Crore students
DepartmentMinistry of Education
Initiative underOne Nation One Student ID
EligibilityStudents who are above 5 years can enroll
enrolment throughOnline Mode
APAAR ID is12-Digit Unique Code ID
Helpline number18008893511
Official websiteapaar.education.gov.in

Details needed to create an APAAR ID

  • UDISE+ Unique Student Identifier (PEN)
  • Student Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Parents Mobile Number
  • Date Of Birth
  • Parents Name
  • Aadhar Number

APAAR ID Registration Online Process

There are some simple steps for the registration of an APAAR ID. Right now 34 Crore students already register for this ID.

  • Parents who want to create their kid’s APAAR ID, parents need to visit the school and learn more about our ID.
  • If you volunteerly create an APAAR ID, then you need to fill out the consent form.
  • The u dice system will generate an APAAR ID against the PEN ID.
  • Once, the APAAR ID is generated then, parents need to upload this into students’ Digilocker accounts for easy access and further use in the future.

How To Download APAAR ID?

If you want to check whether your Kid APAAR ID is generated or not, then the process is given below step by step.

  • To check out first have to visit the official website of APAAR ID.
  • On the official website, you have to enter your mobile number and password to login.
  • After login, you can click on the download Apar ID option available on your dashboard.
  • One OTP will be sent to your contact number. After verification, you will see Kid APAAR ID.
  • You can download this APAAR ID in a PDF format.

Check the Status Of APAAR ID

You can also check the APAAR ID generation status, from UDISE+ Portal under the Apar module.
Students can also check the status of their APAAR ID through school. Students may request for school authority to check the status of their APAAR ID is generated or not.

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